2008 Workshop & Sessions

Pre-Conference Seminars

DEC 101: Basic Overview of DEC
This presentation will provide a basic overview of DEC efforts, including the inception of DEC, the evolution and the lessons learned along the way. Additionally, the presentation will describe the opportunities to identify children living in dangerous drug environments and encourage intervention at the earliest possible point to reduce physical and psychological harm to children. 

DEC 201: A Journey through the System
The goal is to overcome barriers and develop a comprehensive coordinated response to children who are in drug endangered environments. This takes the work of many professional and the community. Work often includes strategic planning, prevention, intervention and long term community supports for both the child and family. This session will examine the common barriers that DEC programs share. Local, state and federal policy will be discussed. Best practices models in areas of medical services, substance abuse treatment, prevention, law enforcement, the judiciary, the child welfare system and environmental health will be presented.  

Main Conference Classes
OpeningSession - Local, State and Federal Alignment
Chris Burbank, Chief
Lori Moriarty, Executive Director
The National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children (NADEC) is designed to support effective and sustainable state and community efforts to protect children, families, and communities from problems created by substance abuse. In partnership with state alliances and tribal nations, NADEC is a resource for creating a framework for defining how partners will individually and collectively solve the challenges faced by drug endangered children.

The Neurobiology of Recovery: Basis of Success and Failure
Glen Hanson, PhD, DDS, Senior Advisor, Director, Professor
Recovery from substance dependence is difficult, variable and often unsuccessful. This presentation will address what recovery from addiction is all about, what to expect and how treatment and support systems can help contribute to its management.

Psychological and Social Needs of Drug Endangered Children
Kiti Freier, PhD, Professor
This presentation will address the impact of the drug environment on the development of the child both psychologically and socially. The needs of the drug endangered child and potential approaches in meeting their needs in the present while addressing both the child’s history and future will be discussed. This presentation is solution focused, emphasizing that it is never too early or too late to intervene on behalf of the child. The role of every participant as a potential agent of change for the drug endangered child will be stressed. 

Reactive Attachment Disorders: Interventions for Children and Families
Doug Goldsmith, PhD
This presentation will explore the relationship between caregivers who are drug abusers and the development of attachment disorders in their children.  Participants will learn to identify attachment disorders in young children and develop treatment strategies for repairing the attachment system using parent-child psychotherapy.

Law Enforcement: Gang and Drug Endangered Children Investigation Course
Sue Webber-Brown, Detective
Attendee’s will learn theories of child endangerment in gang and substance abusing homes, including marijuana, heroine, cocaine, clandestine labs, and methamphetamine. An overview of techniques regarding DEC language for search warrants; suspect, witness, and child victim interviews, evidence collection, report writing, medical assessment, and how to work with multi-disciplinarians associated with DEC cases (LE, CPS, Code Enforcement, Fire and Medical). Information provided in this course will assist law enforcement to develop a successful DEC investigation.

Community-based Strategic Planning
Kay Chopard Cohen, JD, Deputy Executive Director
State and units of local government increasingly are embracing a collaborative approach to criminal justice planning and adopting strategies to empower local officials and community members in their fight against crimes. Community-based strategic planning supports the integration of state, local, tribal, and community justice system strategies to achieve collaboration, economy of resources, and effective and balanced delivery of services. Planning models of this sort focus on locally defined concerns and priorities. These models promote collaboration between state and local agencies and among community members and neighborhood institutions. These models may also involve the coordination of various funding streams to channel funds to meet diverse needs of communities. This intensive workshop will provide an overview of the elements of community-based strategic planning; tools for use in building collaborations, problem analysis, action planning, and implementation; how it will enhance public safety efforts; why it should be a priority in times of diminishing resources; and where to go for help.

Effective Community Based Treatment for Substance Abusing Parents
Nicholas Taylor, PhD, CACIII, Director
In the end we cannot really help drug endangered children until we have effective treatment for drug addicted parents.  This presentation will discuss specifically effective community based treatment strategies.

New Research Findings on Methamphetamine Exposure: Potential Implications for Decontamination Protocols
John W. Martyny, PhD, CIH
Charles B. Salocks, Toxicologist PhD, DABT
Colleen T. Brisnehan, EPS
This presentation will present data regarding methamphetamine exposure potential after cooking or using methamphetamine. Information regarding the potential for skin absorption and inhalation will be discussed as well as the effect of particle size and pH on methamphetamine uptake. Decontamination methodology will be evaluated based upon this new information and the potential changes to current protocols discussed. Environmental evaluation techniques will also be discussed.

Optional Lunch Roundtable Discussion: Reaching the Native American Community
Co-facilitated by: Melodie Rydalch & Lynette Willie
An informal discussion on ways to develop relationships, share resources and deliver services to Native American Communities.

Do’s & Don’ts of Interviewing Children on Scene: Forensic Interviewing
Heather Stewart, MA, Assistant Program Manager
Travis Rees, Sergeant
This presentation explores techniques for first responders when conducting an initial, on scene interview with a child.  Different question types will be discussed.  Sample interview questions will be provided.  Audience members will have the opportunity to ask for the instructors' suggestions about the specific questions they need answered by the child during the initial response. 

The Comprehensive Approach to Drug Endangered Children
Stephen L. Nelson, JD, DDA and Esther Larsen, BS, BA, JD, Project Director
Two counties in Utah and Washington will present their DEC project and evaluation. The presenters will discuss their evaluation processes, barriers in their research and findings. Attendees will be provided the evaluation reports.

Meth and Native American Tribal Lands: Trends, Issues, What’s Working, What’s Not
Diana Humetewa, U.S. Attorney, District of Arizona
Efforts Toward the Establishment of a Recommended Cleanup Standard for Methamphetamine and the Potential Impact on State and Local Regulations
John W. Martyny, PhD, CIH
Charles B. Salocks, Staff Toxicologist PhD, DABT
Colleen T. Brisnehan, EPS
This presentation will brief the attendees on the current efforts by California and Colorado to evaluate the toxicity of methamphetamine and to establish recommended target cleanup standard for surface methamphetamine contamination.   The toxicological basis for the exposure limits will be discussed as well as the impact that these new levels may have on national, state and local ordinances. Some of the difficulties in establishing a new guidance level will also be discussed.

Identifying Drug Endangered Children Through Interagency Collaboration
Jim Gerhart, Sergeant
Emily C. Verheggen, Med, Crisis Intake Supervisor
This session will share the results of an interagency collaboration project between law enforcement and social services in a community that does not operate with traditional DEC Team. Through the collection of data measuring agency cultures, case-by-case analysis, and ongoing impact, this project focused on true integration of both agencies to determine the impact and sustainability of law enforcement and social services working together on child protection issues, with and emphasis on DEC.

Indian Child Welfare Act: Protecting Our Children, Preserving Our Culture
The Honorable William Thorne, Court of Appeal Judge for the State of Utah

Drug Court Dilemmas
The Honorable Kimberly Hornak

Impact of Prenatal Exposure to Methamphetamine on Children 0 to 3 years
Linda LaGasse, PhD, Assistant Professor, Director of Research
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­The rise in methamphetamine use among pregnant women has raised the specter of irrevocable harm to exposed children compounded by poor parenting and dangerous environments. In this presentation, we examine cognitive, motor, language and social emotional development over the first 3 years in methamphetamine exposed children from the longitudinal, multi-site Infant Development, Environment, and Lifestyle study (IDEAL). The goal is to appreciate the scope and variation in child vulnerability and the role of the child rearing context.

Safe Families for Children: A New Approach to Supporting Wounded and At-Risk Families
Tom Maluga, MS, ThM, Director
Many stressed families do not have support and care from extended families and neighbors.  Without assistance, many of these situations will lead to abuse/neglect episodes with long-lasting consequences for the child. Safe Families for Children is a network of host families that extends the community safety net by providing parents in need a loving sanctuary where they can safely place their children in times of crises. SFFC is a voluntary, non-coercive alternative to the state child welfare system. By temporarily freeing parents from the responsibility of caring for their child, SFFC provides them with time to address personal issues without fear of losing custody.

Sustaining the Energy of the Team
Janiece Siegerist, CEO
Community-based strategic planning supports the integration of state, local, tribal, and community justice system strategies to achieve collaboration, economy of resources, and effective and balanced delivery of services. This intensive workshop will provide an overview of the elements of community-based strategic planning; tools for use in building collaborations, problem analysis, action planning, and implementation; how it will enhance public safety efforts’ why it should be a priority in times of diminishing resources; and where to go for help. 

Interim Groups: A Model for Responding to Wait Lists
Kelly Lundberg, PhD, Director, Associate Professor, Clinical Consultant
This session will discuss the use of pretreatment groups for individuals waiting to get county or state funded in treatment. Included will be the success rates of such a program, including published articles.  We will explore the clinical application of Interim Group Services (IGS) and how it benefits the clients.  Finally, the use of IGS to train mental health professionals as well as a host of other disciplines will be discussed.

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Kathleen King, PhD, Psychologist
From 1990 to 2000, there was a 30% increase in the number of children who lived with grandparents.  That trend is expected to continue and grandparents who either provide extensive assistance to their grandchildren or who are the primary caregivers are faced with a number of challenges and are typically not informed about resources or benefits available to them.  In addition, parenting one's own grandchildren stretches and redefines family dynamics and boundaries as well as the role of grandparent. This presentation will focus on identifying the factors leading to the risk of grandparents assuming custody of their grandchildren.  In addition, issues facing older adults in these situations will be discussed

Children’s Panel
Facilitated by: Lori Findeis, LCSW
This panel will be comprised of children who have witnessed first hand the devastating results of addiction. There stories of courage, ongoing challenges and successes will be presented.

Story of Hope
Robin Kahus, SAC, Mother in Recovery
This presentation is a mother in recovery’s story of hope and survival. Robin suffered substance abuse issues after a traumatic event in her life. She and her son are now reunited. She is currently a Substance Abuse Counselor in Utah.

There’s no place like home: A Family’s Journey to Adopt Drug Endangered Children
Jennifer Keller, Adoptive Mother
Over the course of 3 years Nick and Jennifer Keller welcomed six adoptive children into their family, each of them meth-exposed. The family’s compelling story includes the journey taken by the birth mother, children and adoptive family to bring them to the family they have now become. 
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